Our Elite Capstone Package is our most comprehensive and personalized package and will guide you from start to finish throughout the entire college process with UNLIMITED counseling and assistance.
- Exclusive Capstone Online Platform (Process Tracking & Research)
- College Selection (20-30 schools)
- Summer Training Planning and Prep
- Timeline of the Academic Application Process
- Timeline of the Artistic Application Process
- Timeline of Prescreen Prep
- College & Career Planning
- Budgeting & Scholarship Strategies
- High School Course Selection
- SAT/ACT Guidance
- Guidelines & Deadlines
- Audition Rep Guidance
- Song and Monologue Filming Guidance
- Dance Prescreen Guidance
- Wildcard Video Brainstorming
- Academic and Artistic Application Checklist and Guidance
- Deadlines and Requirements
- Letters of Recommendation
- Activities Lists
- Application Strategies
- Brainstorming
- Review & Editing
- Planning and Goal Setting
- Applying for SAT/ACT Fee Waivers
- Application Fee Waiver Guidance
- Budgeting for College
- Budgeting for the College Auditions Process
- Selection of Schools that align with your budget
- Guidance with minimizing student loans
DECISIONS: Once you have done all that hard work with applications and auditions, we will be right there to assist you all the way to DECISION DAY!
- Weighing Pros & Cons of Final Offers
- Navigating Waitlists
- Strategizing Campus Tours
- Reviewing, Comparing and Appealing Financial Packages
- Final Decisions and protocol for accepting and releasing offers